Monday, June 7, 2010

Shh, let the baby be!

Let's see... what interesting happened yesterday.. Did the barn in the morning. Then took a fantastic nap. I was going to give Hickory the day off. But he didn't want the day off, he wanted out! I swear, this horse is just like a baby. If anyone has ever had a newborn sibling, you can relate. You walk by the crib when the baby is sleeping and now matter how much you want to, you can't pick them up. Because they are finally content. This is what it's like with Hickory. Usually he is walking around the field, looking for a way out or standing at the gate begging to be let out. But on the occasion he is happily grazing I have to tiptoe around and make sure he doesn't see me because then he would be at the gate begging to get taken out. And when the baby starts crying, you've got to let them out of the crib. So, the Hickory baby was crying yesterday, so I had to let him out. I was wearing shorts so I just hopped on bareback and we did a little dressage, much better than our ride yesterday. Really starting to get the hang of canter transitions. Then we rode aimlessly around the farm a little bit, postponing the dreaded return to the field. When we got done, I finished cleaning the last water trough.

Then I went for my run, like a good girl. And it was going a thousand times better than yesterday's run. It was cool out, I was feeling good. Got to the end of the gravel road and turned around. Run run run. POP. AHHHH. I was pretty sure for 15 seconds I had broken my ankle. Then I made myself put weight on it. Had a mild panic attack. Was already out of breath, add trying not to cry to the mix--could not breathe. I started to cry like twice and I literally told myself outloud "The only good crying does is to get you attention and there is nobody around to get attention from. SO DON'T CRY IT WON'T HELP ANYTHING." I didn't have anyone's phone numbers to call to come rescue me off the side of the road. It was a dilemma. I sucked it up and hobbled the rest of the way home. I don't think I should get punished with an injory when I'm trying to do a good thing like running.

Nursed the ankle. Shower. Went to Walgreens (ankle brace) and to see Shrek (very cute) with Rachel.

Woke up this morning in excruciating ankle pain. Borrowed some ibuprofen. Swollen like a balloon. Put on my brace. Did barn chores. Ordered feed. Help set jumps. Watered some plants. Ate lunch. Tacked up Denira. Cooled Denira out. Ran to Skylight supply and got: fly mask, dressage whip, curry comb, mane comb. Fed horses for the second time. Caught Roanie. Finished afternoon barn chores.

Oh I forgot. Hickory had to be moved out of the field he was in. I think because he was pretty bossy. So he got moved to a new field by himself where he didn't have anyone to boss. I was really sad for him because he had really just started to get adjusted to where he was. I woke up this morning and he was intermingling with the herd, so I was bummed for him to have to move out of the field with the horses he sort of knew and the big pond into a little field by himself. He didn't want to be by himself either. He paced the fenceline and worried and worried. So I rustled him up a buddy named Mr. Incredible. Hickory liked this present. I think Hickory is much more enthused with Mr. Incredible than Mr. Incredible is with Hickory. But oh well, at least Hickory is being nice..ish.

And I finished off my day with a ride in the evening. Sucked it up and put on my boots and chaps over my ankle brace and rode in a saddle. We had a little gallop andit made Hick happy. Then once I had put him up, I sat in a chair by the barn by his field and read my book and watched my pony. :)

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