Saturday, June 5, 2010

Explorers, Gardener, and Water-Trough Wrestler

Yesterday was jam-packed, so I didn't have time to share. Normally, I get done with morning barn chores at roughly 9. It took me an extra hour yesterday as Razor suddenly decided he was terri fied of me. Could not get near him. Long story short, ended up having to get halters for all the horses in the field, catch them, tie them up to the fence, and feed them little handfuls of grain. Razor got interested and I finally caught him. As soon as I was done with that, Martha zoomed by on her scooter and asked me to get the filly ready for her to get on at 10:45. So, I got the little princess ready (I love this horse) and as Martha was getting on she gave me some little projects to do while she rode--weeding and watering the flower bed and the tomato plants. I rinsed off Honour for Sally during this time, also. Then cooled Lilly out and gave her a bath and put her up. Then I started to clean Lilly's tack, but Martha needed help unloading some stuff out of the trailer at the house. We unloaded a massive water trough and about 12 stall mats (which are super heavy). THEN we had to put the guts back in the trailer (the big divider things that make the stalls). Between the two of us that took some serious wrestling. Then I went back and finished cleaning Lilly's tack. THEN it was time to do the afternoon barn chores--feed the horses, put them out, clean their stalls, new shavings, fresh water, throw down hay, sweep up. Whew. Looking back I'm not sure how I woke up today.

And poor Hickory was watching me go back and forth all day long, begging to get let out. So, of course, I had to take him for a ride. The sucky thing about this place is that there is really nowhere to go to get away and get off the farm. There aren't really any trails. And Hick loves trails. So I hopped on bareback and we set out to explore down this gravel road that passes by the house. It was so beautiful. It was 8 in the evening but it was still light out. And we just walked and trotted down this long gravel road and Hickory was so happy, he was looking around at everything. There were beautiful green corn fields on either side of us and forest behind that. Then we came up to a dairy farm at the end of the gravel road. I went to turn us around to go back but Hickory didn't want to go back so we rode down the driveway of this farm. Along the driveway in this grove of trees there was a really old graveyard which was sort of creepy/sort of cool. The creepy part was that it was definitely old but the newest gravemarker read 1996. But, really, it was a darn good lookin place to be buried. It is soooo pretty here. There are black fences everywhere and huge rolling pastures and fields of crops. If you love horses and love the country--this is heaven. We turned around after that and rode back. It was just a great ride, I put him on the buckle and we just walked along and watched the sun start to set. I think it made Hickory's day, it definitely made mine!

I went to eat dinner with Rachel afterwards. We headed into town but got stuck in so much traffic that the only place still open by the time we got there was Steak N Shake. But it was good!

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